Anti-Bullying Information: Our Zero Tolerance Policy
What all students need to know
Wykham Park Academy is a comprehensive school. That means it is for everybody. In this school we believe that everyone has a right to equal chances. Each individual is valued and respected for who she/he is.
See our Policies page for our Anti-Bullying Policy.
- We are a school where bullying is seen as unacceptable by all members of the academy
- We will deal with it seriously and sensitively if we are told about it
- We will take appropriate action
- We will not tolerate bullying
Definition: What is Bullying?
Bullying is defined as behaviour that is:
- repeated
- intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally
- often aimed at certain groups, for example because of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation
It takes many forms and can include:
- physical assault
- teasing
- making threats
- name calling
- cyberbullying – bullying via mobile phone or online (for example email, social networks and instant messenger)
- Is it funny or is it unkind?
- Does the person on the receiving end think it’s funny?
- Would you think it funny if it was happening to you?
- Bullying is making someone miserable by being unpleasant to them on an on-going persistent basis
- A one-off argument or fight may be upsetting. It may need to be dealt with by a teacher – but it’s not bullying
- You can help yourself by ignoring comments – Do not react but tell someone
What should you do if you’re being bullied?
- Tell your parents/carers, friends, teachers or Head of College.
- Remember that bullying is never your fault and it can be stopped
- Value yourself and your feelings
- If you are being bullied, look bullies in the eye, be firm and clear and tell them to stop
- Get away from the situation as quickly as possible
How can you help someone who is being bullied?
- Tell an adult about it
- Support them
- Encourage the victim to get help