Over the past 4 weeks, we have continued our Indoor Bowls Programme at Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club. Students expressed that they thoroughly enjoyed starting back up with the Indoor Bowls, and it did not take them long to rediscover their technique since we finished the initial 3 weeks.
The club coach, and volunteers, were so impressed with how quickly our students remembered the fundamental skills they had been taught. Because of this, we saw more challenging activities for our students to overcome and a lot more matchplay to put their skills into practice and develop them further!
A massive thank you to Banbury Cross Indoor Bowls Club for their continued support in this programme and their members’ desire and commitment to providing our students with a completely new opportunity. As always, our students behaved exceptionally, which was noted by the members, and were really appreciative towards the volunteers for the opportunity that they have been given.
Find out more about bowling
You can find out more about activities, roll-ups and membership on the BCIBC Facebook page.